
I speak on a wide range of topics related to design including process, practice, and design history. I've spoken on Agile, Lean and their application to User Experience Design, HTML, CSS and front-end coding techniques as well as the relationship between the Bauhaus and Arts & Crafts movements and the lessons they all left us.

You can find my slide decks on Speaker Deck

Design Pairing Broken Experiences Organizational Nerve Craft & Trade


2014 Location Conference
March Brno, Czech Republic Agilia Conference
2013 Location Conference
October Grand Rapids, MI Midwest UX 2013 — Co-Chair
June Detroit, MI UX Thursday
April Baltimore, MD The IA Summit
2012 Location Conference
November 26 Grand Rapids, MI GR Web Dev
October 27th Madrid, Spain Leancamp
August 14 Dallas, TX Agile 2012
July 30th Austin, TX Chargicon
June 1 Columbus, OH Midwest UX 2012
June 2 Libon, Portugal User Experience Lisbon 2012
April 20 London, England BACON
March 26 Lansing, MI IxDA Lansing
2011 Location Conference
July 7 Salt Lake City, UT IxDA Salt Lake City
May 17 London, England Leancamp
May 16 London, England Future of Web Design
April 16 Grand Rapids, MI Great Lakes Software Excellence

Design Pairing

This is the best video I have of my talk on Design Pairing. It was recorded in 2011 at Leancamp, hosted by the University of Central London College of Engineering. You can view the specific slides from this event on Speaker Deck as well as a number of other variations as it has evolved.